Art of Storing

 It may lead to something or it may not... The need to use refrigerator reflects the shrinking of living space available to a unit of living community, for example a family. As a modern counterpart to ancient cellar space, refrigerator elongate the shelf life of perishable, doing so with much lesser space and completely controllable micro environment. However let's not forget, cellar as a space, allow people to physically present in this micro environment, thus offering a set of related experience, like browse through your collection of wines, cheese, pickles, and some of the most exquisite rare collectibles to be shared exclusively with your love ones. So can we simply claim that refrigerator in every modern home nowadays has completely "take over" cellar's role? It is also important to remember, the prerequisite condition for both to function; electricity/ thermal mass; active/ passive. of course in cellar you also need lamp which required electricity and refrigerator won't function with its insulation, but that's not my argument here, its about the amount of space require to conduct one of our most basic requirement to survive and thrive, that is, to store. 

Now it is obvious to see that having cellar for every family on earth is not realistic due to increasing scarcity of space and people are just not getting lesser, but must we do away such art of survival that we have mastered for so many millennials? to give refrigerator its much deserved respect in our society today, i am not arguing that refrigerator isn't the "art piece" of technology that enable us to survive, absolutely not, far from it. with refrigerator, we are able to reasonably segregate our scarce living space and make life possible, imagine the world without it, everybody would need a cellar! Cellar as i see it, is not a direct synonym to Refrigerator. They are different although they store and extend the life of your food, but one of them also contain your life. One simply is a a space for items; the other is a space for items, you and your activities. And of course you can put a refrigerator with you together in a cellar while a "cellar" is just a figurative existence within a refrigerator, you, better not. 

We need to understand that we want to spend a huge amount of our life with what we would like to have, if it is to be meaningful. If i may, i would like to take the concept of cellar to another level, by not confining storage space to just cellar. we may not even see a space tasked with storing just to store anymore, we live in there too, we get the things that we treasure the most from this space. first we need this space to not be bound by its pre-condition to exist, so to not constraint such space to only cellar. a space that is eligible to be tasked with storing survival essential in a house is first and foremost required to be a controlled micro climate, so that it remain at desired humidity and temperature. with modern technology, as long as one could afford the space, such a space is not confined to just being cellar anymore, of course being subterranean do provide a natural advantage more than anything else, what about the scenario where this space designated is simply not available in soil? we can still construct that. the advancement of our insulation technology allow us now to realize such space wherever we need it to be, and even start developing a new relationship between us, and our most important skill to survive, to store. 

just imaging that you don't just grab a plastic bottle out of your fridge, instead a process of preparing your beverage of choice as effortlessly, you get to interact properly with proper vessel, no longer have to worry about the size whether if it fit to the side shelves of your fridge, you cherish this vessel because it is not put away, it is an important scene of your life, like aqua to any life, and like any other things that matters in life, shall be with you...

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