Garden + House_log 1

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i am working on what seems to be the typology searching work. at first it did not seem like it. it came naturally as i was pondering on looking to explore as much possibilities as i could for the second development. then as i notice, every "possibility" demands a complete scheme in its own right, for there is no idea that could isolate itself from a bigger context. i am speaking about "idea" as in elements of this house to be thought together as a at least complete house, not just a separate, standalone piece of artifact.

it is obvious to see, when you are demanding most of (if not all) the ground space to be dedicated to vehicle friendly plane, it will get increasingly baren. however i wouldn't like to take on the direction of rejecting this concept right away. this is because deep down in me, i like to see this as a challenge. nevertheless, garden + house is after all, will be a human habitat that demands the combination of house and garden, making land become more barren certainly do not help in any sense. 

this is how the said typology came into the picture. it all started with series of simple thought like: should we raise the garden in conjunction with house? or shall we just leave the ground as it is and work with material to "make" it green instead? perhaps i am just too caught up with this idea of garden: is an entity, house: is another separate entity? we have to also bear in mind that the client would like to preserve the previous layout. The client's first and foremost demand is that the main habitable part of the house must be raised due to flood concern in years to come. especially seeing the impact of flood in peninsular malaysia. other than that is, the father demands more parking space. a simple sum up of their demand at this point is that: a double storey dwelling with more parking space AND preserve the layout, flow of floor plan that we currently have.

So now you see, the very essential part of the massing which address main habitable space namely the common space for living and dining; private space for sleeping is delibrately preserved in its double-fronting L configuration with a indoor mini stadium flanking the west side. All the exploration here in regards to typology is mostly focused on the combination of the prominent central garden with main habitable spaces. i will explain more in details about the parameters of each typology and my impression with them.

Update: It is important to point out, the term "typology" here do not resemble anything carries the impression of typical type of housing, for example: terrace house, Bangalow and etc. Instead the "typology" here mean simply the constitution of several physical part of building like building foot print, outdoor space and number of storeys.

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