curve and straight are the mother of our perception

 i think about curve line, geometrically. if i would to ask you a question: is there any mother on this earth who give birth to a geometrically straight object? try to find a geometrically straight line on your own body if you have doubt. 

yet architecturally, a curve line just seems to be so "unnatural" when it occurs in the form of a building, or at least to some, unusual. this was the thought that got me intrigue with curve line in architecture in the very first place. 

just playing within my mind: it is actually the most natural to see curve/non-straight line when things are being put together, or assembled, hence generated. and i think straight line is a pure product of arbitrary making. don't get me wrong, i am not here to criticize any of those two, i am just fascinated by how those two entity establish themselves in our visual, perception and emotion by always generating impactful result. 

the geometries that are generated, most often than not, felt spontaneous, and in some cases, giving us the feeling of complicated and uncontrolled, take a look at human. however we could also find these geometries surprisingly interesting or just unusual. also on another interesting side, it is natural to us to expect a curve line or non-straight line, when we know an object is not designed, sometime unintended. i tend to avoid using the word "organic" here as to me personally, organic point specifically to something that is actually alive, a curve line is not alive, it is just not.

straight line, carries many of our power. it reflects how much impact we COULD have on other object in this physical world. that's why when i look at something straight, i always feel the presence of us: culturally, intellectually, technically and etc. and it is much more easily for people in our era to associate architecture to straight line (i mean "A LOT OF" architects and non-architects), it just become so "natural" that when we see "straight-line-composed-building-like-object", we can think: ah huh, we human BUILD that. of course i am aware of our industrial context do produce linear-like object more efficiently, but i am not talking about that, however, even industry is a creation of human eh? so straight line on building just carries so much of our human-centric emotion, therefore it is "natural", people associate building with straight line, due to it's controlled properties, clear intention and our power and presence in this world, after all, you don't build building if there is no human, nature GENERATE it's own geometries!

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